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Together WebSphere Studio Edition

Size : 22.79Mb
Product ID : 2896

TogetherSofts Together WebSphere Studio Edition extends the
functionality of IBMs WebSphere Studio Application Developer to
allow you to model, build, and deploy software projects, all from
within the WebSphere Studio framework.

The Together WebSphere Studio Edition integrates seamlessly into
WebSphere Studio by adding a new modeling perspective so that you
can create diagrams such as class and use case.

With Together WebSphere Studio Edition, you can now model, build,
quality test, document, and deploy enterprise software applications
within a familiar work environment, reducing your initial learning
curve and development time. Productivity is also enhanced by using
proven patterns and templates to jump-start or improve upon your own
models and code. Audits and metrics help ensure code quality while
automated documentation generation lets you effectively communicate
project details to your team members.

TogetherSofts model-build-deploy solution provides you with
valuable tools to increase productivity and meet business

URL: http://www.togethersoft.com/products/twse/index.jsp