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Lynda.com Excel for Mac 2016: Advanced Formulas and Functions

Size : 1.16Gb
Product ID : 1760

Skill Level: Intermediate
Duration: 6h 54m
Author: Dennis Taylor

Topics include:

- Understanding how the hierarchy of operators affects formula results
- Knowing when to use absolute vs. relative references
- Using Formula Builder for unfamiliar functions
- Displaying a worksheets formulas and highlighting formula cells
- Converting formulas to values
- Creating 3D formulas to gather data from multiple sheets
- Creating and expanding nested IF functions; using AND, OR, and NOT with IF
- Looking up information with VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, MATCH, and INDEX
- Analyzing data with the statistical functions: MEDIAN, MODE, etc.
- Using the power functions: COUNTIF, SUMIF, COUNTIFS, AVERAGEIFS, and more
- Calculating financial data such as payments
- Performing basic math
- Calculating dates and times
- Editing text with functions
- Using array formulas and functions
- Referencing data in other cells and files
- Extracting information from Excel worksheets