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Informatix Piranesi 2010 Pro v6.0.0.3672

Size : 156.98Mb
Product ID : 1531

In any creative process for clients, the first
presentation of ideas is vitally important.
Efforts to get the client to see (and ultimately
approve) the concept as a whole, rather than
focusing on the detail, often result in the
delivery of a loose, impressionistic
visualisation of the finished building,
landscaping plan or product.
Piranesi 2010 excels at turning your conceptual
3D models into wonderfully atmospheric, stylised
and (most importantly) persuasive visualisations,
with a whole host of effects to allow you to
focus the eye and the attention to the key
elements of your design.

Downstream, Piranesi 2010 is also adept at
delivering both photorealistic and
non-photorealistic renders of your fully-detailed
images either for marketing use, planning
applications or even award submissions.
