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EastWest Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra Gold Edition

Size : 12.67Gb
Product ID : 1336

Note: This version runs on Native Instruments Kompakt and not on the new Play engine.

The GOLD EDITION of the EASTWEST/QUANTUM LEAP SYMPHONIC ORCHESTRA is EASTWESTs most popular virtual orchestra blending unparalleled realism with an amazing price. Each instrument and orchestral section was chromatically recorded by Grammy award winning engineer, Prof. Keith O. Johnson in a 125 million dollar concert hall. Why a concert hall? Because thats where orchestral instruments sound best! The end of every note (or release trail) on every instrument has the beautiful natural ambience of the hall; the software analyzes the amplitude of the waveform when the key is released, activating the release trail and adjusting the dynamics so the two samples blend seamlessly. Either as a standalone application or as a plugin in your favorite sequencing or notation program, this comprehensive virtual orchestra will truly transport you into the maestros chair.
