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Dassault Systemes SIMULIA Simpack 2021.0

Size : 739.39Mb
Product ID : 1235

SIMPACK is a multi-body simulation software tool used to simulate mechanical systems. The SIMPACK software is able to analyse vibrational behaviour, calculate forces and accelerations and describe and predict the motion of any complex multi-body system. The basic concept of SIMPACK is to create the equations of motion for mechanical and mechatronic systems simply by building up a CAD style model (including joints, force elements, etc.) and then applying various calculation techniques, such as a time integration, to obtain a solution for the systems dynamic behaviour. SIMPACK has been specifically developed to be able to simulate virtually any mechanical and mechatronic systems. From simple systems with few degrees of freedom to entire train configurations, SIMPACK may be employed at any stage of the design, development and optimisation process.
