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Antares AVOX Bundle 4.3.0

Size : 34.60Mb
Product ID : 577

The AVOX bundle combines 11 of our professional vocal processing plug-ins, to let you create stunning vocal tracks in any musical style, and design unique effects for audio post-production. From harmony creation and microphone modeling, to subtle warmth and doubling, to extreme vocal effects, AVOX is an essential toolkit for vocal and audio production.

AVOX ARTICULATOR - Digital Talkbox
AVOX ASPIRE - Aspiration Noise Processor
AVOX CHOIR - Vocal Multiplier
AVOX DUO - Vocal Modeling Auto-Doubler
AVOX MUTATOR - Extreme Voice Designer
AVOX PUNCH - Vocal Impact Enhancer
AVOX SYBIL - Variable Frequency De-Esser
AVOX THROAT - Physical Modeling Vocal Designer
AVOX WARM - Tube Saturation Generator
