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If you're unable to purchase the necessary software or find that the cost doesn't align with its value, our service offers a fitting solution. We deliver cost-effective software solutions tailored to meet the needs of all our clients. Order any software you need for a low price. Before ordering any software, we strongly recommend you read our terms and conditions.
Product Name Price
Sony Vegas Pro 2012 v12.0.394 Suite $30.00
Sorenson Squeeze Desktop Pro $40.00
Sorenson Squeeze Desktop Pro for Mac $40.00
SoundToys $30.00
Spacial Audio SAM Broadcaster Pro 2017.11 $30.00
Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect 15.0.1510 $30.00
Spectrasonics Atmosphere 2008 v1.2 $40.00
Spectrasonics Keyscape 1.1.2c for Mac $90.00
Spectrasonics Keyscape 1.3.1c $90.00
Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2.6.4c $90.00
Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2.6.4c for Mac $90.00
Spectrasonics Stylus RMX 1.10.2d $50.00
Spectrasonics Stylus RMX 1.9.8f for Mac $50.00
Spectrasonics Trilian 1.6.3d for Mac $68.00
Spectrasonics Trilian 1.6.4d $68.00
Spotify Music and Podcasts for Android $20.00
SQLPro Studio 2024.74 for Mac $30.00
STAAD Beam 2.0 $40.00
STAAD Foundation Advanced CONNECT Edition $30.00
StatGraphics Centurion 19.6.04 $40.00
Statsoft Statistica 2015 v12.5.192.7 $40.00
Steinberg Cubase Artist 10.0.10 for Mac $30.00
Steinberg Cubase Artist 7.0.2 2107 $30.00
Steinberg Cubase Elements 11.0.10 rev2 for Mac $50.00
Steinberg Cubase Elements 11.0.40 $58.00
Steinberg Cubase Pro 10 Additional Content $78.00
Steinberg Cubase Pro 10.5.0 $40.00
Steinberg Cubase Pro 11.0.10 $40.00
Steinberg Cubase Pro 14.0.10 $40.00
Steinberg Cubase Pro 14.0.5 for Mac $40.00
Steinberg Dorico Additional Content $40.00
Steinberg Dorico Pro 5.1.10 for Mac $40.00
Steinberg Dorico Pro 5.1.80 $40.00
Steinberg Groove Agent for Mac $68.00
Steinberg Groove Agent 5.2.10 $68.00
Steinberg HALion 7.1.0 for Mac $40.00
Steinberg HALion 7.1.20 $58.00
Steinberg Masternig Edition 2004 v1.5 $30.00
Steinberg Nuendo $40.00
Steinberg Nuendo 13.0.50 $40.00
Steinberg Nuendo 13.0.51 for Mac $40.00
Steinberg Nuendo 4.3.0 371 $30.00
Steinberg SpectraLayers Pro 11.0.50 $30.00
Steinberg SpectraLayers Pro 11.0.60 for Mac $30.00
Steinberg The Grand 2 $50.00
Steinberg The Grand 3.2.10 $58.00
Steinberg The Grand 3.2.10 for Mac $58.00
Steinberg WaveLab 2009 v6.1 $40.00
Steinberg WaveLab Elements 10.0.60 for Mac $30.00
Steinberg WaveLab Elements 12.0.50 $30.00
Steinberg WaveLab Pro 12.0.51 $40.00
Steinberg WaveLab Pro 12.0.51 for Mac $40.00
STL Tones ToneHub v2.0.3.2024.08 $40.00
StockIcons Collection $30.00
Strata 3D CX 4.0 $30.00
Strata Design 3D CX $40.00
Strata Foto 3D CX 2.1 $30.00
StudioLine Web Designer 5.0.6 $30.00
StuffIt Deluxe 16.0.5 for Mac $24.00
Substance Painter 2020.2.2 v6.2.2 for Mac $40.00
Substance Software 2020.28.10 $50.00
Substance Software 2020.28.10 for Mac $50.00
Superluminal Stardust 1.2.1 for Mac $30.00
Superluminal Stardust 1.6.0c $30.00
Surfware SURFCAM Velocity 2010 v4.0 with SP1 $40.00
Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition 2010 v10.2.4 $40.00
Symantec Encryption Desktop Professional 10.5.0 MP1 $30.00
Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.3.11216.9000 $30.00
Symantec Endpoint Protection 14.3.4615.2000 for Mac $30.00
Symantec Ghost Boot CD $30.00
Symantec NetBackup 7.7.2 $40.00
Symantec Norton Ghost SP1 v15.0.1.36526 $40.00
Syncfusion Essential Studio Enterprise $40.00
Synthetik Studio Artist 5.0 for Mac $30.00
Synthetik Studio Artist $30.00
Systat Software SigmaPlot $40.00
SysTools SSD Data Recovery 12.2 $30.00